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Clerkenwell Parochial CofE Primary School

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At CPS we are committed to promoting the arts.  We believe that the arts offer exciting and stimulating opportunities for all children to achieve.  We aim to provide the experiences, resources, support and environment in which all children will enjoy and develop their artistic talents in a supportive atmosphere.  The arts offer children the opportunity to develop their self-esteem, self-identity, self worth, motivation, stimulation and discipline.  The arts offers opportunities to provide an enriched curriculum in which cultural diversity can be explored and in which children can bring their life experiences, preferences and abilities to impact on the art form.

Our aims in art for the pupils

  • For children to have lots of fun expressing themselves and learning about themselves and others through art.

  • To provide children with the skills, concepts and knowledge necessary for them to express their responses to ideas, feelings and experiences in a visual and tactile way and to enable them to feel confident in ‘making’ art themselves.

  • To encourage the development of imagination, original thought and personal expression through art.

  • To enhance the children’s confidence and self-esteem by involvement in art.

  • To enable all children of all abilities, gender, culture and social background to develop their understanding and appreciation of art through personal involvement in both creating and looking at other’s art works.

  • To enhance children’s appreciation of the diverse cultures through art.

  • To develop a lifelong appreciation and admiration of art.

  • To ensure that staff are given the opportunity and encouragement to continually develop their knowledge, enjoyment, skills and understanding of art.


What we do to meet those aims:

  • Develop key art skills across the school by re-visiting and building on them each year.

  • Provide high quality experiences for the children through the use of expert practitioners and visits.

  • Provide a varied art curriculum so that children learn new skills in addition to developing the core art skills and therefore can learn about and enjoy the range of art.

  • Ensure inclusion in that every child is able to access the art we have on offer and to provide a means by which each child can progress at his/her own individual level, whether special educational needs or gifted and talented.

  • Provide experiences for children using a range of cultural input

  • Allow all children to develop capacity for self-expression, giving each child the opportunity to communicate without being bound by written or spoken language.

  • Ensure children enjoy a broad, balanced and progressive curriculum in which they can explore the links between art and other areas of the curriculum.


Extra Curriculum Activities:

We try to provide as much opportunity for extra-curricular experiences for the children, and take into consideration what parents and children would like to have (through School Council and Parent questionnaires). We currently have two art and craft clubs running for nine weeks each term.  There is one for key stage 1 and one for key stage 2.  The key stage 2 is split into upper and lower key stage groups which alternate each term


To find out more about the activities that the pupils will do to develop artistically, click on the links below to read the curriculum letters.
