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Clerkenwell Parochial CofE Primary School

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Our Local Academy Committee

2020-2021 Membership and Declarations

CPS Local Academy Committee


Local Academy Committee's ambition for the school 

The Local Academy Committee at Clerkenwell Parochial CE School is comprised of a diverse group of people, all of whom have a deep commitment to the effective running and continued success of the school. The Committee advocate for, and champion, every pupil at CPS. They ensure that by being 'critical friends' of the school, each pupil can reach their potential and be secondary-ready by the time that they leave.  The Committee is working with the management team to match the expectations of Ofsted's 'Outstanding' grade in order to ensure that no stone is left unturned in giving the pupils the best possible start in life.  All Committee members are determined that beyond academic success, our pupils at CPS have a rich experience in their time with us that fully develops their spiritual, moral, social, cultural, sporting and artistic potential. Local Academy Committee at CPS ensure that the strong Christian ethos and traditions, going back over three hundred years, are maintained.


Main responsibilities

1. Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;

2. Holding the headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and

3. Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent.


The composition of the Local Academy Committee

Members are elected or appointed in accordance with the Instrument of Government.  This legal document sets out the different types of members that will make up the full Local Academy Committee. At CPS there are the following kinds of members:


  • Parent committee members are elected by other parents at the school. Subject to certain disqualifications, any parent (which includes a person with parental responsibility) of a registered pupil at the school at the time of election is eligible to stand for election as a parent committee member. Parent members may continue to hold office until the end of their term of office even if their child leaves the school.
  • Teaching and support staff who, at the time of election, are employed by either the local academy committee or the local authority to work at the school under a contract of employment, are eligible to be staff members.  They cease to hold office when they cease to be employed at the school. 
  • The headteacher is a member of the Local Academy Committee by virtue of their office. 