How to get a test if you have symptoms of COVID
Anyone who displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) can and should get a test.
Tests can be booked online through the NHS testing and tracing for coronavirus website (click on link below), or ordered by telephone via NHS 119 for those without access to the internet.
Essential workers, which includes anyone involved in education or childcare, have priority access to testing.
Parent absence guide related to COVID 19 2020-21
Parents Quick Guide on COVID19 related absence
With Clerkenwell Primary School now phasing the return of children back to school we believe it is vital to keep parents, carers and the community informed on key information regarding Covid-19 and how we as a school are approaching keeping our community safe as we return. All information from the school and from the Government can be found on this page.
It is vital that we are all aware of the symptoms of Corona Virus and what to do if you suspect someone in your household shows symptoms.
Please watch this short videos on symptoms and what to do if you suspect you or another member of your household has the virus.
Symptoms of Coronavirus.mp4
Track and Trace.mp4
Public Health - Information on Coronavirus for Educational Settings
Government Updates Regarding COVID-19: