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Clerkenwell Parochial CofE Primary School

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Pupil Premium Evaluation&Strategy

Pupils who have been in receipt of free school meals at any time in their school career receive additional funding in the form of the Pupil Premium (PP).  This funding is then used to target support at PP pupils in order to accelerate their progress and assist them to attain as highly as the non-PP pupils.  In many cases, the PP funding will also contribute to wider pupil development, emotionally, socially and culturally, and it will also often, indirectly or directly, support artistic and sporting achievement.


Schools are judged by OFSTED in terms of both attainment and progress. In almost all measures in the last three years, disadvantaged pupils at CPS have progressed very impressively and have very often also attained more highly than the national average for all pupils.  It is due to the holistic approach made possible by the Pupil Premium additional funding that we are able to achieve this type of progress and attainment for our most disadvantaged pupils.  Happily, the non-PP pupils also benefit greatly, directly or indirectly, from many of the initiatives the extra funding provides.

Impact analysis of Pupil Premium spending 2019-20

Due to lockdown, an analysis of the impact of pupil premium spending on outcomes for children has not been possible. Children were unable to access the resources laid out on the spending program from March, and no assessment data was secured at the end of 2019-20. However, the costs related to pupil premium were not reduced during this time. 

