Clerkenwell Primary Science Intent
At Clerkenwell Parochial we aim to create inquisitive, enthusiastic science investigators. Children are encouraged to question the world around us and through this a strong sense of curiosity is formed and welcomed within our scientific learning. At Clerkenwell we believe learning through discovery provides the best opportunities for our students. We strongly promote educational visits, using our local area, inviting guests to our school and visiting the Science Museum as core necessities within the science learning and teaching. At Clerkenwell we follow a whole school scheme from Early Years through to Year 6. ‘Switched on Science’ supports our belief of fostering a child’s curiosity and excitement through a hands on approach. It is a flexible and creative investigation-based programme with a clear focus on working scientifically. Children are able to discover through exploration, research, questioning, inquiry, discussion, reasoning, observing over time, identifying and classifying, pattern seeking and fair testing.
COVID Information
The curriculum map has been adapted to accommodate core science areas that are only covered once or twice within the primary school setting. The Year 3 and 4 units have been adjusted to ensure the learning missed due to COVID19 can be taught and assessed effectively. Through a two year course of science work all essential units of learning are caught up on and covered within Year 3 and 4. Core units in other year groups were covered throughout the beginning of the school year and Year 6 units were offered through online learning.