Day One!
It has been an absolutely amazing day. After hustling our way through London, suitcases in tow, we finally boarded our train where we had our delicious snacks and imagined what it would be like when we got there. We quickly changed trains and arrived on time to be greeted with a delicious lunch- we had so much to choose from, and had a treat of homemade popcorn too!
We then explored the grounds, played some football and did some yoga. Following that, we made our way to the biology lab where we dissected a crab. The teacher was so impressed at our careful approach and as a result we were able to locate the gills, heart, mouth and digestive system! Harry, Emily and Kalim took home a prize for best diagrams
Getting there
Crab Dissection
Tent set up and free time!
Day two was jam packed with activities! The day began with a delicious breakfast before heading off to the Felixstowe Fort where the girls and boys were split into two groups and led on a tour. They learned many interesting facts which they can’t wait to share! We then sorted out our packed lunches and headed to the beach to eat where the children enjoyed dodging the cold waves. After lunch we went to an estuary to go crabbing. This was an absolute highlight of the day! The children quickly learnt the techniques of throwing in a line and caught a lot of crabs. With every catch came a very excited scream. After releasing the crabs into the estuary, we headed back to Woodbridge so we could celebrate Emily’s birthday with some cake and games! We then quickly organised ourselves for the zip wire. Almost all of the class attempted the scary climb to fly through the air, they were all so encouraging and supportive if one another. We then had to race to dinner so we all had time to eat, then race to a brilliant school production of Fame. When the show ended it was time for showers and bed time and most students were fast asleep just after 10pm.
Happy Birthday Emily!
Zip Line
Day three started with showers and a hearty breakfast. Then we had a short amount of free time before we headed out for horse riding. I think most students would agree that this was their highlight of the trip. Each student groomed and rode their own horse led by volunteer adults, an amazing unforgettable experience! After this we ate some well-earned fish and chips on the beach and headed to a nearby rowing lake. The rowing provided much entertainment as it turned out to be quite a battle between the adults and the wind to avoid the reeds. The students were rewarded with an ice-cream afterwards for their fantastic behaviour. We headed back to our camp to organise the girls and boys to tackle the obstacle course located on the school grounds. The boys were highly commended on their behaviour and sporting abilities. Even attempting some challenging tasks meant for older students, with success! The girls gave it their best effort and were very supportive of each other. Then we ate a delicious dinner of pizza and pasta and had free time and team building games throughout the night.