Please work from the current week from now on, with the exception of maths explained below.
The current week's work can be found at the top of the page so you do not have to scroll down to the bottom. Work from previous weeks can still be found below for extra learning or if you want to revise any concepts.
Please ensure you are up to date with the white rose lessons from the previous weeks so that the lessons progress logically. These lessons will be posted again from this week. If you are up to date with the white rose lessons, please access the current lessons from this week.
Please remember to access the phonics lessons daily on the phonics page from your child's phonics teacher during your literacy slot.
Hope you are all well, enjoying your leaning, washing your hands and staying safe!
Thank you,
Mr. Jeans
Dear Parents/Carers,
Please visit the 'Phonics' page under 'Children' for your child's Phonics provision. There you will find access to resources. This is also where you can find out how to access Bug Club. Please complete this daily.
You can also go to https://www.starfall.com/h/im-reading/?t=290869918 for a range of fun stories for children to simply read or listen to for enjoyment. To listen to more great stories go to Storyline Online at https://www.storylineonline.net/. These high quality stories are read out loud by fantastic actors and actresses.
Thank you,
Early Reading Team
Daily PE - Joe Wicks Lesson Instructions
Summer 1 Week 3: Week Commencing 04.05.2020
For literacy please complete tasks in your literacy book if you did not pick up a printed pack. If the tasks are not feasible to complete in your literacy books, please complete them orally. Please use the following document to access the video links for the maths lessons from Monday-Thursday this week.
Monday 04.05.2020
Tuesday 05.05.2020
Wednesday 06.05.2020
Thursday 07.05.2020
Friday 08.05.2020
Summer 1 Week 2: Week Commencing 27.04.2020
Monday 27.04.2020
Tuesday 28.04.2020
Wednesday 29.04.2020
Thursday 30.04.2020
Friday 01.05.2020
Friday 27.03.2020
Year 1: Week commencing 30.03.2020
Note: For Friday's Art/DT lesson students will be making their Easter bonnets they designed last Friday, so keep in mind any materials you may want to pick up this week!